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Tijuana, Baja California Norte, Mexico
I am 37 been a junkie for over 10 years, here are some of my stories...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

DAY 13

this is getting hard, i cant seem to get past my current dosage, i get too crazy , anger from know where.  emotional , depression, i feel like everything is coming down on me, and i don't know why i cant handle anything. it all just becomes too much to deal with. I'm falling apart while i wait to go. the emotional part of all this, the plan, the though that no  mater what i do i'll never be able to change, this is my destiny. what if I fail, then what
how am i gonna get myself out of this. what if the desire never leaves.
I have to stay gone until it goes away, how long until i know if i can t fix this, at what point do i know i cant ever be normal, and stop trying, to be something i cant.


Anonymous said...

You need to focus on your goals and want them more than you want drugs. It's the only way you are going to get through this. Believe you can get clean and get yourself away from that place. Good luck- we're all rooting for you!

Joe Blow said...


Anonymous said...

You are worth the fight. You are brave. I support you. You can get trough this.

Anonymous said...

I used to shoot dope as well, so I know what you are going through.
Knowing what I know now, I would find a doctor who will give you IV vitamin c.
Massive amounts of iv c will halt the addiction, and -really- detox.
Plan b would be to learn to take c orally, along with all anti-oxidants and phytosome milk thistle.
You're having anger and emotional turmoil, because your liver is sick.
As you go through life, you have to remember: every thing about your health hinges on liver health.
When the liver is sick, life sucks, regardless. When the liver is well, life is sweet.

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